...Dark satire in which the token black man on the executive board of an advertising firm is accidentally put in charge. Renaming the business "Truth and Soul, Inc.", he replaces the tight regime of monied white ad men with his militant brothers and insists they no longer accept business from companies that produce alcohol, war toys, or tobacco. The success of the business draws unwanted attention from the United States Government, which considers it "a threat to the national security.". Soon afterwards, however, the power that comes with its position takes its toll on Putney. Here's how Putney winds up in charge...
...can't find a streaming version of this for love nor money, but it recently appeared on the unsinkable Pirate Bay, download it NOW cos you gots-to-have-soul!...
...meanwhile, over on rfsMojofilter, Putney presents Truth n Soul Inc. play LOUD...
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