Sunday 26 April 2009

Embed - No More Freedom

...All footage taken between 28th Mch-1st Apr 2009.
In protest at the catastrophic failure of our Governments and world leaders to manage the world economic and environmental systems or at least prepare the people for THIS worst case scenario... Of course 'they' Knew! .. Like 9/11 and dont forget 7/7...It was planned or at least allowed to happen whilst using inside knowledge to capitalize then crash the market system and prepare us for a new state run One world Order... So now we're debt slave rats in a cage on minimum wage surviving these CHANGES with limited resources is key. Whilst The Governments police state prepares for martial law and is effectively attempting to shut down our last remaining civil liberties..'NO MORE FREEDOM anymore.... enforcing SECTION 44.. got NO RIGHTS whether rich or poor... LOSE OUR LIBERTY TO TERRORIST LAWS!'...

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